Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising in Cochin, Kerala
Pay Per Click Management Cochin Kerala PPC Advertising Google Adwords in Cochin/Kochi, Kerala
What is Search Engine Marketing (SEM)?

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or Paid search marketing is the process of gaining traffic by purchasing ads on search engines. It is sometimes referred to as CPC (cost-per-click) or PPC (pay-per-click) marketing, because most search ads are sold on a CPC /PPC basis. If you use CPC / PPC advertising, as the name suggests, you pay when someone clicks on your ad. There is no charge for showing your ad. Your ads can appear in a search engine thousands of times, but you pay only when someone clicks. Before that click happened, the visitors took several steps: They searched for your products and services in a search engine; they saw that your keywords matched theirs, and they clicked on your ad. When the customers click the ad, they will come to a landing page, where they are assured that they have found the product they are seeking and can buy it. You use analytics tools to study the results and adjust the campaigns to improve the results. You place bids on your keywords to affect your ad’s position. In general, the more you bid, the higher your ad will rank.
PPC campaigns can be targeted to countries, states, or cities. You can even target neighborhoods and parts of cities. Analytics lets you see where your customers are, so you can target your advertising to where it works. Because you don’t pay if the visitors don’t click, you can test new keywords and ads. The tracking tools show which keywords work, along with statistics on those keywords. Google, Yahoo!, Bing and Facebook offer PPC advertising.