Off Page SEO
Off Page SEO Services in Cochin, Kerala.
These are the Off Page SEO techniques that gives results.
Social Networking

It is also known as online reputation management, Create a profile of your own in social networking sites. By doing this you can extend your network online, get connect with your friends, share things with each other, and promote your company/website to build an online reputation.
This is one of the most powerful ways to promote your company or website online. Write a blog of your own for your company/website and include lots of unique content. Be precise in what you're trying to convey for the users in your blog entry and promote your blog in blog directories and blog search engines.
Forum Postings
Forum Posting can be done by starting a discussion or share topics with your friends. You can also post/reply to a thread in other service-related pre-existing.
Directory Submission
Submit your websites to the topmost quality directories like DMOZ, Yahoo Directory, etc.
Social Bookmarking
Social Bookmarking is yet another powerful way of promoting your website, but nowadays most people are spamming social bookmarking sites without knowing how to use them. Do some social bookmarking in popular bookmarking sites like Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon, etc.
Link Exchange
Exchange links with service-related websites (this is commonly termed as Thematic Link Exchange) that can help increase your link popularity, which is a major factor of Google's PageRank algorithm.
Local Listings & Yellow Pages
Instead of going global and facing huge competition, make your website local so that search engines can easily view your website and fetch the content. This will help you to reach a targeted audience.
Article Submission
Write articles of your own and submit them to popular article sites like Ezine, Go Articles, etc. This will help you to attain some deep links for your website (though it's usually a slower process).